Internationalization board committee

The Internationalization Committee (CommINT) aims to promote the internationalization of the Pharmacy Department in order to entertain new international agreements, to increase mobility programmes for both students and professors, and to improve the visibility of the Department in Italy and abroad.
The Committee is coordinated by Prof. Pasquale Maffia and its activities are performed by the following working groups:
"Erasmus Group"
Members: Margherita Brindisi (Coordinator), Marco Biondi (Vice-coordinator), Roberta D'Emmanuele di Villa Bianca, Giuseppe De Rosa, Stefania Albrizio, Raffaella Sorrentino.

"Double Degree Group"

Members: Ferdinando Fiorino (Coordinator), Stefano Cinti (Lead), Angela Corvino (vice-Lead), Stefania Albrizio, Anna Aiello, Francesca Lembo, Giuseppina Mattace Raso, Rosaria Meli.


"International Agreements Group"

Members: Beatrice Severino (Coordinator), Jussara Amato, Alfonso De Simone, Antonello Santini, Francesca Ungaro.


Technical-Administrative Management: Carmen DI GIOVANNI;  Mariarosaria CASALE