

The national PhD program in "RNA Therapeutics and Gene Therapy" is a three-year doctoral degree program activated by the University of Naples Federico II, Department of Pharmacy. It pursues the educational objectives of the PNRR (National Recovery and Resilience Plan) project named "National Center for Gene Therapy and Drugs based on RNA Technology". Scholarships are funded by the University of Naples through the PNRR MUR-M4C2 project (investment 1.4, CN00000041, CUP UNINA: E63C22000940007), and co-financed by affiliated institutions. The PhD program also includes the funding of activities like students' mobility among institutions and attendance of Schools. 
The main objective of the "RNA Therapeutics and Gene Therapy" PhD program is to train highly qualified researchers with scientific expertise and autonomous research skills capable of addressing challenges in the field of RNA-based drugs and gene therapy. To achieve this goal, the doctoral course aims to provide a set of specific knowledge and skills in the areas of chemistry, biotechnology, medicine, precision medicine, nanomedicine, and pharmacology. The doctoral students' training path is in full synergy with the University's strategic planning: doctoral students will acquire the ability to create interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary research networks; they will have the opportunity to experience a dynamic and curiosity-driven research environment, benefiting from the scientific collaboration of the public research bodies involved in the project.  Additionally, students will have the opportunity to receive advanced and cross-disciplinary training by participating in Winter and/or Summer Schools, as well as attending lectures and seminars designed to contribute to the acquisition of research knowledge and soft skills.
Consult the organization and methods of admission to the doctorate.

Brief description on the PhD course


The PhD program is composed of three curricula:
Mechanisms of diseases and drug target identification: The activities carried out in this curriculum will allow for the acquisition of theoretical and practical knowledge necessary to understand the molecular mechanisms underlying numerous diseases. Specifically, it will refer to genetic, metabolic, cardiovascular, neurodegenerative, and inflammatory diseases, as well as infections and cancer. This knowledge will enable the development of new strategies to intervene in biological responses through genetic correction, post-translational manipulation of gene expression, or the use of non-coding RNA.
Design and delivery of new gene therapy and RNA-based medicines: The activities carried out in this curriculum aim to provide theoretical, methodological and application training in the design and development of novel RNA drug gene therapy strategies. Students will acquire specific skills in gene editing and RNA design/engineering/synthesis methods, the use of advanced imaging technologies, DNA/RNA delivery in viral and non-viral vectors to industrial drug formulation and production. 
Validation and safety in preclinical and clinical studies: The curriculum focuses on the need to provide highly specialized skills in preclinical and clinical research, with the primary objective of identifying and validating new and safe therapeutic approaches. PhD students will pursue this objective through the generation of new scientific knowledge, thanks to research in pharmacology and experimental toxicology, which includes pharmacodynamic and pathogenetic studies as well as the design or improvement of innovative experimental models essential for the evaluation of efficacy and safety of new drugs. The curriculum also allows for the acquisition of specific skills in the clinical evaluation of drugs, specifically regarding Phases I-III of clinical trials, and pharmacovigilance.

Training experience

The doctorate board of the "RNA Therapeutics and Gene Therapy" PhD program evaluates, organizes, and offers a series of educational activities for each Cycle, delivered through seminars and frontal lectures, for a total of 60 hours (7.5 CFU), distributed as follows: 24 hours (3 CFU) in the first year, 24 hours (3 CFU) in the second year, 12 hours (1.5 CFU) in the third year. The evaluation of the educational proposal is adjusted annually based on the specific needs of the students.
The educational offer includes:
  • Basic courses: common to all students;
  • Specialized courses: each focusing on specific topics for certain curricula;
  • Seminar cycles: compulsory for all students and personally held by foreign teachers. 
  • Laboratory activities: practical courses on the most advanced laboratory instruments used during the doctoral projects. Activities will be organized according to the different training objectives of each educational program. 
  • Activities at research infrastructure: The doctoral course provides access to the facilities established within the spokes of the "National Center for Gene Therapy and Drugs based on RNA Technology" project and numerous other research infrastructures located throughout the national territory.
  • Research abroad: Students have the opportunity to conduct research activities at a foreign institution with an additional stipend for a duration of up to six months.
Consult the list of orientation meeting:
  • 21/05/2024 Orientation meeting "Research and teathing at the department of pharmacy", moderators: Orazio Taglalatela, Angelo A. Izzo, Download the program
Download the calendar of courses
Consult the list of Webinars: