The Third Mission activities of the department of Pharmacy are numerous and affect many different sectors. Main activities include:
- Public Engagement, through the dissemination of seminal publications, with the participation of lecturers in debate moments even if organized by external subjects belonging to the territory, by using various existing communication models, both classical and digital publications devoted to the public, interactive and / or disseminating websites.
- Entrepreneurship support activities or consortium-based interactions with small and medium-sized businesses in the area, by providing them with scientific, technical or training support for their staff in order to increase the quality and attractiveness of productive realities.
- Continuing training in medicine, through courses aimed at the professional training of pharmacists (Continuing Education in Medicine), as well as of biologists, medical doctors, chemists, etc.
- Placement activities, through the intensification of stages of students and graduates outside the Department.
- Intellectual Property Management with the support of patent ownership in the areas of interest of the Department.
- Consortia and Associations for TM, strengthening contacts with some existing structures in the Department, which are already considered as technology transfer tools such as: "Diagnostica e Farmaceutica Molecolari", "Distretto Tecnologico Campania Bioscience", private public laboratories including "Marea" and "Linfa".