Research groups


The purpose of the DELTA (DEvelopment of drugs for Lung TreAtment) research group is to demonstrate the efficacy of new drugs or drugs already in use but for different therapeutic indications, for "local" treatment of lung diseases. Pharmacokinetic studies, tolerability and activity are the main goal of this research group. This specific field is in collaboration with the research group "Delivery technologies – DelTech" and is partially funded by the Italian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Biochemical techniques and experimental animal models are used to develop these studies.

Research Team:
  •  I.A.RE.G

The main lines of research include the following topics: i) the molecular and cellular mechanisms that regulate the inflammatory process and pharmacological targets; ii) the molecular mechanisms involved in the control of autophagy in inflammatory diseases and pharmacological targets; iii) the study of potential biological activities of molecules from natural and synthetic origin. For this purpose, experimental models in vitro and in vivo, and techniques of biochemistry, molecular and cell biology and histology will be used.

Research Team:



IDEALCARE is focalized on the study of molecular and cellular mechanisms involved in the immune – inflammatory events, with particular reference to those molecular signalling representing a key step to address the inflammatory response toward its resolution. Furthermore, the group is also interested to the study of molecular mechanisms linking the inflammatory process to thrombotic events and, thus, to the increased cardiovascular risk during inflammation. In vivo studies, by using animal models of acute and chronic inflammation, and in vitro studies, on cell culture, are performed. Molecular biology, biochemical and histological techniques are also used.

Research Team:

ROSSI Antonietta (RU)

  • Lipid signalling

Role of sphingolipids in inflammatory based diseases in the lung and cardiovascular system.

Research Team:



The main topic of PHAMED group is the study and the identification of possible pharmacological targets in metabolic and endocrine pathologies associated to the inflammatory and immune responses. To this aim, we use pharmacological and experimental models and techniques in vitro and in vivo. In particular, we study the modulation of endocrine factors and metabolic hormones, their signal transduction pathways and their cross-talk.We also study environmental pollutants able of bioaccumulation and trophic magnification to assess their toxicity and interference with endocrine and immune systems.

Research Team:
  • SDI (Sex-Dependent Inflammation)

The activities of the research group are focused on: a) analysis of sex-differences and related molecular and cellular mechanisms responsible for metabolomic regulation of lipids involved in acute and chronic inflammatory diseases; b) evaluation of the influence of these differences on drug response. The research might prompt for a careful evaluation of sex issues in biomedical research and development of antinflammatory drugs, in order to improve their efficacy and to optimize medical therapy both for men and women. To this aim in vitro and in vivo (acute and chronic) experimental models of inflammation are utilized.

Research Team: