International notice board -
BIP-TAC: "Understanding and fate of natural toxins and anthropic contaminants involved in foodborne illness and environmental suffering: instrumental-analytical, biosensors, ecotoxicological and cell-based approaches"
The aim of the course will be achieved through the activities carried out by the different components of the partnership complementing the specific expertise of the Italian (Departments of Pharmacy and Chemical Sciences-University of Naples, Department of Biomolecular Science -University of Urbino) French (Institut de Chimie-Université Clermont Auvergne) and Spanish (Institute of Agrifood Research and Technology- Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona) participants.
The course is directed at European graduate and undergraduate students, PhDs and researchers with interests in environmental chemistry, organic and analytical chemistry, ecology and ecotoxicology.
Programme of activities
-Theorethical lectures (32 h, remotely on Microsoft Teams platform from 24 March to 27 April 2023)
The course aims to provide theoretical knowledge on the main microalgal, cyanobacterial and plant toxins and the main anthropogenic pollutants dangerous for the environment and for humans, on their fate in the different environmental compartments and the most recent mitigation and bioremediation techniques.
-Laboratory activities (32 h, at Department of Pharmacy and Biotechnology CESTEV-University of Naples from 22 May to 26 May 2023.
The practical laboratory activities will apply the most recent analytical and instrumental techniques for the determination of toxins and pollutants, not only to ensure food and environmental monitoring but also to assess their toxicity and follow their degradation in the environment.
Welcome International Students 2021
Giovedì 30 settembre 2021 dalle 17 alle 19 si è tenuto un evento di Welcoming per tutti gli studenti internazionali del Dipartimento di Farmacia, dove i docenti hanno illustrato le strutture del Dipartimento e gli studenti hanno incontrato i Coordinatori del Programma Erasmus, dei Corsi di Laurea e di Dottorato.
Da quest'anno abbiamo anche introdotto un programma di Mentorship per supportare i vostri studi a Napoli. Ad ogni studente internazionale è stato assegnato un AcademicAdviser ed unBuddy selezionato tra gli studenti di dottorato.
Sono state servite bevande e stuzzichini, dando a tutti l'opportunità di familiarizzare in un'atmosfera rilassata ed informale con i colleghi, i docenti, e gli advisers.
Auguriamo a tutti una bella esperienza a Napoli.