PHD degree in Pharmaceutical sciences - 39th course
Denominazione assente
Course name: Dottorato di ricerca in Scienza del farmaco -
Course: XXXIX -
Starting from: 2023–2024 -
Board committee: Coordinator
AMATO Jussara, BORBONE Nicola, BORRELLI Francesca, CIRINO Giuseppe, FATTORUSSO Caterina, GALDIERO Stefania, GALEONE Aldo, GRIECO Paolo, LAVECCHIA Antonio, MARINELLI Luciana, MELI Rosaria, PAGANO Bruno, QUAGLIA Fabiana, RIGANO Daniela, ROSSI Antonietta, RUSSO Roberto, SEPE Valentina, UNGARO Francesca, ZAMPELLA Angela
Didactic Commission
MELI Rosaria (coordinator), GALDIERO Stefania, PAGANO Bruno, RUSSO Roberto, SEPE Valentina
Admission CommissionGRIECO Paolo, MELI Rosaria, ZAMPELLA Angela, LAVECCHIA Antonio (first substitute), CIRINO Giuseppe (second substitute)
Available positions: 32 (di cui 30 con borsa) -
Course length: 3 years -
Course affiliation: Department of Pharmacy -
PhD candidates: - Dr. ALBERICO ALESSIA
Project title: Discovery of potent and selective Direct Antiviral Agents (DAA).
Tutor: Prof. Vincenzo Summa Cotutor: Prof. Luca Guidotti
Funding source: D.M. 117 (Ospedale S. Raffaele)
Project title: Design, synthesis, structural characterization, and evaluation of the biological properties of therapeutic oligonucleotides based on DNA, RNA and analogs.
Tutor: Prof. Aldo Galeone Cotutor: Prof. Concetta Giancola
Funding source: CN3 spoke 6 (RNA Drug development)
Project title: Lipid nanovectors for RNA delivery in central nervous system disorders.
Tutor: Prof. Giuseppe De Rosa Cotutor: Prof. Rosaria Meli
Funding source: CN3 spoke 3 (Neurodegeneration)
Project title: Multimeric G-quadruplex–forming DNA sequences: from characterization to the development of specific binders.
Tutor: Prof. Bruno Pagano Cotutor: Prof. Maria Teresa Giustiniano
Funding source: D.M.118 PNRR generici
Project title: AMYGING – Imaging multimodale sostenibile di amiloide β
Tutor: Prof. Margherita Brindisi Cotutor: Prof. Vincenzo Summa
Funding source: Dipartimento di Eccellenza
Project title: Design, synthesis, physicochemical characterization and biological evaluations of new drugs for inflammatory-based diseases treatment.
Tutor: Prof. Maria Grazia Rimoli Cotutor: Prof. Stefania Albrizio
Funding source: Ateneo FFO
Project title: Design and Synthesis of Novel Antimicrobial Peptide-based molecules with potentials to tackle bacteria and protozoa.
Tutor: Prof. Paolo Grieco Cotutor: Prof. Isabel M. Gomez Monterrey
Funding source: Dipartimento di Eccellenza
Project title: Design and application of point of care testing devices for cancer liquid biopsy.
Tutor: Prof. Stefano Cinti Cotutor: Dr. Normanno Nicola (IRCCS Pascale)
Funding source: Convenzione su fondo AIRC
Project title: Design and synthesis of molecular hybrids between drugs for dermatological disorders or wound healing and H2S donors.
Tutor: Prof. Francesco Frecentese Cotutor: Dr. Maglione
Funding source: D.M. 117 (DAMOR Farmaceutici)
Project title: Design, synthesis and characterization of structurally constrained mimetics of the suppressor of cytokine signaling 1 and 3 proteins (SOCS1-SOCS3).
Tutor: Prof. Daniela Marasco Cotutor: Prof. Lucia Falcigno
Funding source: Convenzione su fondo AIRC
Project title: Neuro-oxidative network in regulating gut barrier function.
Tutor: Prof. Gabriella Aviello Cotutor: Prof. Giuseppina Mattace Raso
Funding source: PE 12 Neuroscienze (MNESYS)
Project title: Polymeric nanoplatforms for precision delivery of siRNA to solid tumors.
Tutor: Prof. Claudia Conte Cotutor: Prof. Fabiana Quaglia
Funding source: CN3 spoke 8 (Platform for DNA-RNA delivery)
Project title: Development of ligands targeting Adenosine receptor A2A.
Tutor: Prof. Diego Brancaccio Cotutor: Prof. Alfonso Carotenuto
Funding source: Ateneo FFO
Project title: Validating acid nucleic-based drugs using in vivo models of colon cancer.
Tutor: Prof. Giuseppe Cirino Cotutor: Prof. Elisabetta Panza
Funding source: CN3 spoke 9 (From target to therapy and competence center)
Project title: Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic evaluations of RNA-loaded nano-delivery systems for the treatment of pulmonary inflammation.
Tutor: Prof. Roberta D'Emmanuele di Villabianca Cotutor: Prof. Raffaella Sorrentino
Funding source: CN3 spoke 5 (Inflammatory and Infection disease
Project title: Sustainable exploitation of plant sources for the identification of new leads of pharmaceutical interest.
Tutor: Prof. Giuseppina Chianese Cotutor: Prof. Orazio Taglialatela Scafati
Funding source: D.M.118 PNRR generici
Project title: Preclinical development of Ru(III)-based nanoformulations for cancer therapy.
Tutor: Prof. Carlo Irace Cotutor: Prof. Rita Santamaria
Funding source: Dipartimento di Eccellenza
Project title: Fragment-Based Ligand and Drug Discovery (FBLDD) via marine natural products to fight insulin resistance and inflammatory disorders associated with metabolic syndrome.
Tutor: Prof. Concetta Imperatore Cotutor: Prof. Marialuisa Menna
Funding source: D.M.118 PNRR generici
Project title: Elucidating the role of Neuregulin 1 on the neuroinflammatory and behavioral profile in the early-life immune activation model of autism: focus on the brain-gut axis.
Tutor: Prof. Giuseppina Mattace Raso Cotutor: Dr. Roberta De Simone (ISS)
Funding source: Convenzione con Istituto Superiore Sanità (ISS)
Project title: TRPV3 in intestinal inflammation and colitis-associated cancer: functional role and drug target.
Tutor: Dr. Ester Pagano Cotutor: Prof. Angelo Antonio Izzo
Funding source: D.M.118 PNRR generici
Project title: Targeting arginase 2 to disrupt the immunosuppressive tumour microenvironment and promote gastric cancer response.
Tutor: Dr. Federica Sodano Cotutor: Prof. Loretta Lazzarato (UNITO)
Funding source: Convenzione su fondo AIRC
Project title: Maternal separation and cerebellum: a study of psychological and neuronal vulnerability to early life stress.
Tutor: Prof. Maria Concetta Miniaci Cotutor: Prof. Floriana Volpicelli
Funding source: PE 12 Neuroscienze (MNESYS)
Project title: Outcome Research as a key in the regulatory process of Gene Therapy: development and validation of a pharmaceutical regulatory framework for the decision-making process.
Tutor: Prof. Valentina Orlando Cotutor: Prof. Enrica Menditto
Funding source: D.M.118 PA
Project title: Design and synthesis of antisense oligonucleotides (ASOs) modified with small molecules.
Tutor: Prof. Valentina Sepe Cotutor: Dr. Federica Moraca
Funding source: CN3 spoke 4 (Metabolic and Cardiovascular disease)
Project title: The role of phosphodiesterases in regulating the function of innate and adaptive immune cells in chronic respiratory diseases.
Tutor: Prof. Angela Ianaro Cotutor: Prof. Giancarlo Tenore
Funding source: D.M.118 PNRR generici
Project title: Peptide-based nanostructures as delivery tools for active pharmaceutical ingredients.
Tutor: Dr. Carlo Diaferia Cotutor: Prof. Antonella Accardo
Funding source: CN3 spoke 8 (Platform for DNA-RNA delivery)
Project title: Role of environmental factors on the development of chronic respiratory illnesses.
Tutor: Prof. Fiorentina Roviezzo Cotutor: Dr. Maria Rosaria Vadrucci
Funding source: D.M.118 PA (ARPAC)
Project title: Development of a proteomic platform for the characterization of nanoparticles' protein corona.
Tutor: Prof. Angela Zampella Cotutor: Prof. Valentina Sepe
Funding source: CN3 spoke 8 (Platform for DNA-RNA delivery)
Project title: Environmental monitoring of atmospheric particulate (PM2.5) and analysis of characteristic pollutants to which school children residenting in areas of high environmental pressure are exposed and subsequent health impact assessment.
Tutor: Prof. Elisa Magli Cotutor: Dr. Francesca Barone
Funding source: D.M.118 PA (ARPAC)
Project title: Inhalable nanoplatforms for RNA delivery in the local treatment of fibrosis and chronic pulmonary inflammation.
Tutor: Prof. Francesca Ungaro Cotutor: Dr. Gabriella Costabile
Funding source: CN3 spoke 5 (Inflammatory and Infection disease)
Project title: Application of computational methods to investigate and optimize the structural stability and the pharmacokinetic properties of lipidbased RNA nanocarrier.
Tutor: Dr. Federica Moraca Cotutor: Prof. Valentina Sepe
Funding source: CN3 spoke 7 (Biocomputing)
Useful information: Results of the assessment of qualifications for applicants to the 39° cycle
Doctoral Course in Pharmaceutical Sciences –XXXIX Cycle-List of topics for the oral admission
Tutor e co-tutor, special fundings
Topic 1
Bioactive non-viral nanovectors for RNA delivery
Prof. De Rosa Giuseppe
CN3-Spoke 3 (Neurodegeneration)
Topic 2
Design and synthesis of antisense oligonucleotides (ASOs) modified with small molecules
Prof.ssa Sepe Valentina
CN3-Spoke 4 (Metabolic and Cardiovascular disease)
Topic 3
Design of Modulators of miRNAs Involved in Cardiovascular and Metabolic Disorders through Machine/Deep Learning Techniques and Biosimulations
Prof. Lavecchia Antonio
CN3-Spoke 4 (Metabolic and Cardiovascular disease)
Topic 4
Inhalable RNA-loaded nanoplatforms for local management of lung fibrosis and chronic inflammation
Proff. Ungaro Francesca-Costabile Gabriella
CN3-Spoke 5 (Inflammatory and Infection disease)
Topic 5
Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic evaluations of RNA-loaded nano-delivery systems for the treatment of pulmonary inflammation
Prof.ssa D'Emmanuele di Villa Bianca Roberta
CN3-Spoke 5 (Inflammatory and Infection disease)
Topic 6
Design, synthesis, structural characterization, and evaluation of the biological properties of therapeutic oligonucleotides based on DNA, RNA and analogs
Prof. Galeone Aldo
CN3-Spoke 6 (RNA Drug development)
Topic 7
Physicochemical investigations on RNA drug based and energetics of their interaction with biomolecular targets
Prof.ssa Giancola Concetta
CN3-Spoke 6 (RNA Drug development)
Topic 8
Application of computational methods to investigate and optimize the structural stability and the pharmacokinetic properties of lipid-based RNA nanocarriers
Prof.ssa Moraca Federica
CN3-Spoke 7 (Biocomputing)
Topic 9
Development of chicken ChorioAllantoicMembrane (CAM)-based cancer models to screen trafficking, delivery efficiency, and toxicity of RNA based nanoplatforms
Prof.ssa Russo Annapina
CN3-Spoke 8 (Platform for DNA-RNA delivery)
Topic 10
Peptide-based nanostructures as delivery tools for active pharmaceutical ingredients
Proff. Diaferia Carlo-Accardo Antonella
CN3-Spoke 8 (Platform for DNA-RNA delivery)
Topic 11
Polymeric nanoplatforms for precision targeting of siRNA to solid tumors
Prof.ssa Conte Claudia
CN3-Spoke 8 (Platform for DNA-RNA delivery)
Topic 12
Development of a Proteomic Platform to Characterize Nanoparticles Corona Proteins
Prof.ssa Zampella Angela
CN3-Spoke 8 (Platform for DNA-RNA delivery)
Topic 13
Validating acid nucleic-based drugs using in vitro and in vivo models of cancer
Prof. Cirino Giuseppe
CN3-Spoke 9 (From target to therapy and competence center)
Topic 14
Maternal separation and cerebellum: a study of psychological and neuronal vulnerability to early life stress
Proff. Miniaci Maria Concetta-Perrone Capano Carla
Topic 15
Neuronal control of intestinal barrier function
Prof.ssa Aviello Gabriella
Topic 16
Design and synthesis of molecular hybrids between drugs for dermatological disorders or wound healing and H2S donors
Prof. Frecentese Francesco
Topic 17
Discovery of potent and selective Direct Antiviral Agents (DAA)
Proff. Summa Vincenzo-Guidotti Luca
DM217 (Ospedale San Raffaele)
Topic 18
Analysis, composition, exposure and risk assessment of atmospheric particulate matter and characteristic pollutants supporting public organizations
Proff. Perissutti Elisa-Magli Elisa
DM118 Pubblica Amministrazione
Topic 19
Molecular and cellular mechanisms linking air pollution and lung diseases
Prof.ssa Roviezzo Fiorita
DM118 Pubblica Amministrazione
Topic 20
Computational approaches of Drug utilization applied to Health Big Data to support health policies for chronicity management
Proff. Menditto Enrica-Orlando Valentina
DM118 Pubblica Amministrazione
Topic 21
Computational methods of Drug Utilization and Pharmacoeconomics for Healthcare policies in order to develop new regulatory processes for Advanced Therapies
Proff. Orlando Valentina-Menditto Enrica.
DM118 Pubblica Amministrazione
Topic 22
Mimetics of SOCS proteins as antinflammatory therapeutics in cancer
Proff. Marasco Daniela-Falcigno Lucia
Convenzione AIRC
Topic 23
Portable diagnostics for liquid biopsy application
Prof. Cinti Stefano
Convenzione AIRC
Topic 24
Elucidating the role of Neuregulin 1 on the neuroinflammatory and behavioral profile in the early-life immune activation mouse model of autism: focus on the brain-gut axis
Proff. Mattace Raso Giuseppina-De Simone Roberta
Convenzione ISS
Topic 25
Targeting arginase 2 to disrupt the immunosuppressive tumour microenvironment and promote gastric cancer response
Dott.ssa Sodano Federica
Convenzione AIRC
Topic 26
Preclinical development of Ru-based nanoformulation for cancer therapy
Proff. Irace Carlo-Santamaria Rita
Topic 27
New RNA-based therapeutic strategies to overcome chemoresistance in colorectal cancer
Proff. Russo Giulia-Russo Annapina
Topic 28
The role of phosphodiesterases in regulating the function of innate and adaptive immune cells in chronic respiratory diseases
Proff. Ianaro Angela-Tenore Giancarlo
Topic 29
TRPV3 in intestinal inflammation and colitis-associated cancer: functional role and pharmacological targeting
Proff. Pagano Ester-Izzo Angelo
Topic 30
Proposed Research Theme: IL-17A/IL-17RA axis in the association of autoimmune diseases with cardiovascular complications
Proff. Maione Francesco-Cirino Giuseppe
Topic 31
Metabolites from Cannabis – green expansion of chemical and biological space
Proff. Chianese Giuseppina-Taglialatela Orazio
Topic 32
α-synuclein/hDAT interaction: a new target against Parkinson's Disease
Proff. De Simone Alfonso-Stornaiuolo Mariano
Topic 33
Design and synthesis of nature-inspired compounds as potential anti-inflammatory/anticancer agents
Proff. De Marino Simona-D'Auria Valeria
Topic 34
Fragment-Based Ligand and Drug Discovery (FBLDD) via marine natural products to fight insulin resistance and inflammatory disorders associated with metabolic syndrome
Proff. Imperatore Concetta-Menna Marialuisa
Topic 35
Design, synthesis, physicochemical characterization, and biological evaluations of new drugs for inflammatory-based disease treatmen
Proff. Rimoli Maria Grazia- Albrizio Stefania
Topic 36
Antimicrobial peptides as promising agents able to counteract the antibiotic resistance of bacteria and protozoa
Proff. Grieco Paolo-Isabel Gomez Monterrey
Topic 37
Holistically sustainable multi-modal β-amyloid imaging
Proff. Brindisi Margherita-Summa Vincenza
Topic 38
Development of Ligands targeting Adenosine receptor A2A
Proff. Brancaccio Diego-Carotenuto Alfonso
Topic 39
Development of supramolecular peptide nanosystems for the delivery of new bioinorganic drugs
Proff. Tesauro Diego-Morelli Giancarlo
Topic 40
Multimeric G-quadruplex–forming DNA sequences: from characterization to the development of specific binders
Proff. Pagano Bruno-Giustiniano Mariateresa
Topic 41
Emerging toxins in italian seas and risks for human health
Proff. Dell'Aversano Carmela- Varra Michela
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