Spring School for PhD students "Transferable Skills"


Are you thinking about the next step in your career? This 2-day online Spring School in Transferable Skills focuses on developing skills in grant and CV writing, and how to get a faculty position. We give an overview of the breadth of interviews that can be expected on your interview journey and provide a space to practise interview questions. We discuss about team management, public engagement, gender equality and communication in academia and research.

The Spring School is free, delivered online on Zoom. It is opened to all undergraduate, master and PhD students of Unina and the Aurora network from the STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) area. The School is organized annually by the Internationalization Committee of the Department of Pharmacy in collaboration with the network Aurora and the University of Glasgow (United Kingdom).

Moreover, the Spring School is one of the first open Badge Aurora:



  • Pasquale Maffia, University of Naples Federico II/University of Glasgow (Chair International Committee Department of Pharmacy)
  • Valeria Costantino, University of Naples Federico II (Internationalization Dean for Erasmus)
The 2022 School was held on the 4th and 5th of May 2022 and attended by around 180 students from 12 different international institutions.
For more information, you can download the programme here (link).


Here is a selection of positive Feedback

The school opened my mind to different facets of my university carrier

Each session left me something that I would like to deepen and improve

This school was an eye-opening experience that can help student to find their future path

Nearly everything about this school was perfect

I really enjoyed this last 2 days

The final simulation was a lot of fun, great interactive activity

I equally enjoyed and took advantage of all the information provided through all the sessions

Professional and appealing

It was a great opportunity to find the major pathways in the future carrier

I feel I have gained an experience I didn't have before

The school was very interesting and inspiring

Useful information about some interesting topics that were not treated at all during my academical studies

I really appreciated the originality of the contents, that are often skipped since they are taken for granted and never treated in such details

I gained a great deal of input, that is applicable for my future journey

The school gave me the opportunity of understanding how to plan my future decisions

I regretted not having participated in this type of training before